Minfraud API for BigCommerce
The minfraud API is a powerful fraud prevention app for BigCommerce. It works quickly and quietly behind the scenes to prevent fraudulent online transactions and reduce chargebacks. The app integrates with your credit card processing rules to screen every transaction and account registration. Real-time scoring helps you identify risk and can automatically reject orders if your threshold is exceeded. This saves time on manual review and allows you to focus on your business and customers.
The underlying service from MaxMind collects information from online shoppers and then analyzes that data using preset rules or whitebox machine learning algorithms to create a risk score for each user or transaction. This risk score can trigger actions such as approving, declining or flagging for manual review. The app also offers a detailed breakdown of how each factor was derived and provides transparent, human-readable explanations to help you decide which steps to take.
How the MinFraud API Enhances Fraud Detection and Prevention
To use the API, you must have a valid MaxMind account with a username and password. This account must be configured to work with your BigCommerce store. For more details, visit our documentation on Setting Up a New MaxMind Account.
You must also enable the “Report Transactions” feature in your BigCommerce store. This is done by creating a TransactionReport object with a valid tag and one of the following parameters: ipAddress, MaxMind ID, minfraudId, or transactionId.
The TransactionReport object is then submitted to the minfraud web service via the GET method. If the request succeeds, nothing will be returned; if the report fails, an exception will be thrown. For more details on the Report Transactions API, see our documentation.