Managing Invisalign Pain at Glow Orthodontics
Discomfort during your treatment is normal, but there are steps you can take to minimize discomfort. The most important is consistent aligner wear, which helps ensure that pressure is evenly distributed across your teeth. Other techniques include practicing mindfulness and relaxation to reduce anxiety, which can amplify your perception of pain. Finally, being clear with your orthodontist about your concerns and expectations can help you manage your experience.
Managing Invisalign Pain at Glow Orthodontics first few days wearing new aligners, as well as when you insert a new tray, will most likely be the most uncomfortable. This is because the aligners are shifting your teeth into a different position for the first time, which can cause soreness in your mouth.
Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen can be helpful in managing discomfort. These medications are safe to use if you follow the directions for dosage and frequency.
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Using dental chewies, which are provided by your orthodontist, is also a great way to manage discomfort as you adjust to your Invisalign treatment. These little gummies are similar to gum chewing sticks and work by numbing the sensitive areas in your mouth, helping you get through any initial soreness. Additionally, your orthodontist may recommend over-the-counter orthodontic wax that you can apply to any spots of irritation. This is especially useful during the insertion and removal of your aligners, as it can significantly decrease friction between your teeth and the inside of your mouth.…